Tuesday 17 November 2015

Character Profile

Name: Brian Redford
Age: 17
Height: 6ft 1in
Weight: 133lbs
Nationality: English
Accent: Essex
Skin Colour: White
Hair Colour: Brown
Hair Style: Styled up and to the right
Eye Colour: Blue
Facial Hair: Stubble
Origin: London
Current Place of Living: Thornbury
Moved because: Wasn't making friends at his old school and his dad got a job opportunity in Thornbury doing his dream job
Home: Detached 3-bedroom
Relationship with Mother and Father: Doesn't talk to them as he spends all day on his computer
Relationship with Friends: None, as he doesn't leave his computer and is bullied by just about everyone when he does because of his intellectual abilities
Job: No job
Dress Style: Usually just casual-wear but sometimes he just throws on the first thing that he can find 
Religion: None
Hobbies: Hacking into the school's databases and changing the grades of people that bully  him
Favourite Type of Music: Electronic
Favourite Sports: None
Favourite Food: Whatever food that has been brought up by his Mother. He does like Doritos a lot though
Positive Trait: Focused
Negative Trait: Highly antisocial
Sense of Humour: None and never laughs because he doesn't have any friends to make him laugh
Temper: Loses it when he gets his hacking wrong with a slight problem. With other people, he stays calm, almost all of the time
Ambitions: Wants to either topple governments or (more likely) hack into a well-known conglomerate, and, instead of being prosecuted, getting hired by said company to improve their firewalls
Audience Dislike or Like: For just the opening scene, I think that the audience's opinion will be mixed as they don't really learn anything about him in just the opening scene. If the audience were to see the rest of the film they would probably feel sympathy because it would show the audience that he gets bullied from everyone at school because he is intellectual

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