Thursday 10 December 2015

Filming Log

Filming Log of our opening scene; Firewall

This is our first attempt at filming the opening scene to our film Firewall.

To improve:

- More camera angles, bird's eye view, close-ups
- Lighter
- Different shots of the hands
- More arc shots with a steadier hand
- Text on screen showing distributors
- Non-diagetic
- Change shots up
- Shot showing USB stick going into the computer
- Show something to do with the school
- Input titles

This is our second attempt at filming the opening scene Firewall.

After taking the above feedback on board, we re-shot a handful of the scenes with a desk light on and the curtains open to improve on the main problem that our first edit had.

To improve:

- Add a bird's eye view
- Cut to a close up of the keyboard
- No zoom in/out
- Curtain shot; shorten and straighten up
- As well as some of the above that we have not added in yet

This is our third attempt at filming the opening scene Firewall.

To improve:

- Add music
- Add titles
- Add institution

This is our fourth edit of the opening scene to Firewall

To improve:

- Add institutions
- Shorten the downloading scene

This is the fifth edit of the opening scene to Firewall

To improve:

- Make sure that the institution doesn't overlap the downloading scene
- Music jumps when the character is about to turn it down
- Shorten the downloading scene

This is the sixth edit to the opening scene to the film Firewall

To improve:

- Improve the readability of the institutions
- Try, as little as possible, to have the majority to not go into more than one scene
- Shorten the downloading scene
- Because it is an opening scene, get the character to stay in the room and carry on typing (don't have an 'end')

This is the seventh edit of the opening scene to the film Firewall

To improve:

- Fix ending sound and quick finish
- Add in director institution

This is the final product of the opening scene to the film Firewall

To improve:

- Add production company as Fox Searchlight distributes British films in US

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